What are Accelerators?

The best Salesforce partners use their vast experience in wealth management tech to support firms of all sizes and maturity levels. That’s why we’ve created ShellBlack’s Salesforce Accelerators for Financial Services Cloud (FSC) — CRM software for financial advisors that’s easy to deploy and configure. These cost-effective solutions draw upon the knowledge and skills gained during our many implementations to help clients address common use cases. By leveraging ShellBlack Accelerators, Salesforce users not only realize more business value and utility from their wealth management CRM solution — they also benefit from reduced development costs and time.

These road-tested solutions are designed to enhance the end-user experience — whether by reducing clicks to increase efficiency, providing custom visualizations that highlight exceptions and make information actionable, or facilitating data integrations that provide users a single pane of glass to understand and manage their customer relationships.

Key benefits:

  • Saves time and increases adoption
  • Keeps development costs low
  • Solves common industry challenges
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Business Process Launcher


Financial Services organizations that use Salesforce native cases to track client service requests such as address changes, investment changes, new client onboarding, or to move money, will benefit from our Business Process Launcher. It provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that guides users through different screens and ensures the right data is collected for each unique scenario. This accelerator works well with our Recurring Process Manager Accelerator.

BPL Dashboard


Intuitive and easy to use — provides a simplified interface with clear guidance on which business process to
select. Pre-populated text can provide the user with additional guidance and instructions to ensure the right data is
collected (similar to Junxure actions).

Tailored data entry forms — users are presented with only the fields necessary for the selected business
process, which reduces data entry errors, increases adoption, and reduces request processing time.

Customizable — like most of our accelerators, we put the power in your hands to easily update and customize
specific attributes within the component. Choose to configure items like the tile icons, colors, help text, form
fields, and more.

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Household Relationship Manager


Created specifically for our Wealth clients, the Household Relationship Manager Accelerator simplifies data entry by allowing advisors to quickly create new records and household relationships with the click of a button. Fields mapped between the individual and the household stay in sync with each other, and we make it easy to select what information should be synced.


Save time and increase adoption — simplify data entry, quickly creating new records and household relationships with the click of a button. Your advisors and back office team will love it!

Maintain data integrity — keep records in sync, ensuring quality for reporting while reducing data-entry errors (and missing information!).

Customize the experience — map the fields that should stay in sync between the individual and the household.

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Household Activity Aggregator


This accelerator was created specifically for Financial Services clients who need a holistic view of all activities related to a household, regardless of where the activities live in Salesforce or which users within the household hierarchy are associated with the activities. If you rely on Activities to track client interactions, or if you migrated to Salesforce from Redtail or Junxure, this accelerator is a must!

Image of Household Activity Aggregator


Single view — users no longer need to search through various Salesforce objects to see prior interactions or touch points for all household members, regardless of activity owner.

Client oversight — ensures that consistent messaging is firm-wide, and makes auditing easier since all Activities can be seen at a glance.

Consistent touch points — provides the complete picture of all touch points to ensure that service levels are being met.

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Recurring Process Manager


Originally developed to assist with creating recurring cases, our accelerator can be used on any Salesforce custom or standard object, with few exclusions. Popular use cases for this wealth management technology solution would be reminders for recurring withdrawals or deposits, new cases for each tax year, cases for monthly touches if not using Activities, required minimum distributions (RMDs), or to use in conjunction with our meeting center utility to schedule recurring touch points.

Image of Recurring Process Manager


Consistent date cadence — because our process lives in code, we can account for date outliers like leap day and tailor end-of-month scheduling to fall on the last day of each month, no matter the number of days on the calendar. Additionally, if a key date lands on a weekend or holiday, we can ensure that the due date is calculated to shift accordingly, such as the Friday before or Monday after.

Customizable — we make it easy for you to create new processes. You decide which objects and fields you want to use, then customize the triggers that will prompt a new record to be created.

Scalable — multiple objects can be configured to run at the same time, allowing processes to run across the system concurrently and in real time.

For more information about this Accelerator, head over to our blog and read Rev Up User Productivity With Our Recurring Process Manager                          

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LPL Financial Account Integration


We created our LPL Financial Account Integration Accelerator to allow advisors affiliated with LPL Financial to see client account information directly in Salesforce. The integration provides visibility to financial accounts and balances on a daily basis. The only caveat is you must already receive a daily data feed from LPL.

Image of LPL Financial Account Integration


One view — advisors now have a 360-degree view of their client relationships in Salesforce. No more swivel-chair activity!

Daily data feeds — integrates client data, financial account data, and participant data. Specific fields can be customized based on advisor needs.

Key insights — custom reports and dashboards can be created so advisors can analyze and act on client information efficiently and effectively.

Read our blog Access LPL Financial Client Data With Salesforce Integration for more information.

Contact Us to Learn More

ShellBlack Accelerators are designed to save you time and money and solve many common challenges for financial service clients in Salesforce. Our team is ready to discuss which accelerator(s) would be right for your organization. Contact us today.
